The A+ Course:
This A+ course ensures students can assemble the appropriate PC, mobile, or networking components based on client requirements. Students will also be able to install these devices including their software. Customer support is another emphasis, including intense troubleshooting of common problems found today.
The Outline:
- Course Introduction
- Meet Darth Radar
- Motherboards
- PC Expansion Cards
- Storage Devices
- CPUs
- PC Interfaces
- Power Supplies
- Build the Right PC
- Display Devices
- PC Cables and Connectors
- Common Peripherals
- SOHO Multifunction Devices
- Print Technologies
- Printer Maintenance
- Network Cables and Connectors
- TCP vs UDP
- WiFi
- SOHO Wireless
- Internet Connections
- Network Devices
- Networking Tools
- Laptops
- Meet R2MAC2
- Laptop Displays
- Laptop Features
- Other Mobile Devices
- Mobile Accessories and Ports
- Troubleshooting PC Hardware
- Troubleshooting Storage
- Troubleshooting Video
- Troubleshooting Networking
- Troubleshooting Mobile Devices
- Troubleshooting Printers