My ENCOR Practice Exams are LIVE on Udemy!

I have not been a big fan of the practice exams for ENCOR that I have seen so far. Why?

  • Recycled questions from old CCNP and CCIE written exams that are no longer in scope
  • Incorrect questions
  • Stale or irrelevant REFERENCE links
  • Too expensive
  • Vague questions
  • Silly questions

Not one to just sit back and watch this happen, I decided to compose my own and make them available via Udemy. Here is a coupon code for you – ENJOY!

BIG FAVOR: I initially published these accidentally when they were IN PROGRESS. As a result, I got some ONE star reviews. Yikes. Please consider leaving a review after you have experienced the product. I am wagering you will think these practice exams are 5 STARS! Thanks!

What practice exams should I create next for Udemy? Let me know in the comments section below!!!! And thanks again! You are the reason I work 80 to 100 hours per week!

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