Tag Archives: 2016

70-742 Additional Notes – AD FS, WAP, and Preauthentication

When you are configuring AD FS and WAP you have two preauthentication methods and various types of preauthentication available. Here is a recap of when you would use the various methods and types:

  • AD FS preauthentication method
    • Type – Web and MSOFBA
      • WebApplication
      • Rich Office Client
      • SharePoint
      • Office Server
      • Custom WebApp
    • Type – HTTP Basic
      • Rich Client without HTTP Redirection
      • Exchange ActiveSync
      • Remote Desktop Gateway
    • Type – OAuth2
      • Application using OAuth2
      • Windows Store Apps
      • Custom Application
  • Pass-Through preauthentication method 
    • No authentication
    • Forward authentication
    • Anonymous website
    • Legacy application
    • Public website

70-742 Additional Notes – Restoring the Default GPOs


You may find yourself in a situation where you need to restore the default domain policy or the default domain controllers policy to their original configurations. Thankfully – there is a tool for this – it is the aptly named dcgpofix.exe command line tool. This tools offers the following options:

  • /ignoreschema- this permits the command to run regardless of the AD scheme version in use
  • /target – permits you to specify exactly what object you want to restore
  • /? – permits the display of help on the command