Ports and Protocols for Network+ N10-007

As you know, in the Network+ exam (N10-007), you will need to demonstrate your knowledge of important protocols at use in the network. You should also be aware of the Transport layer protocols in use by these network services, as well as the specific port number used. This handle table will help you. And check out this blog for great practice questions in this area. Be sure to click the READ MORE link – this list does not end with IMAP 🙂

  • DHCP
    Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol: Dynamically assigns IP address information (for example, IP address, subnet mask, DNS server’s IP address, and default gateway’s IP address) to a network device
    UDP 67, 68
  • DNS
    Domain Name System: Resolves domain names to corresponding IP addresses
    TCP 53
    UDP 53
  • FTP
    File Transfer Protocol: Transfers files with a remote host (typically requires authentication of user credentials)
    TCP 20 and 21
  • H.323
    A signaling protocol that provides multimedia communications over a network
    TCP 1720
  • HTTP
    Hypertext Transfer Protocol: Retrieves content from a web server
    TCP 80
    Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure: Used to securely retrieve content from a web server
    TCP 443
  • IMAP
    Internet Message Access Protocol: Retrieves email from an email server
    TCP 143

  • IMAP4
    Internet Message Access Protocol Version 4: Retrieves email from an email server
    TCP 143
  • LDAP
    Lightweight Directory Access Protocol: Provides directory services (for example, a user directory that includes username, password, email, and phone number information) to network clients
    TCP 389
    Lightweight Directory Access Protocol over SSH: A secured version of LDAP
    TCP 636
  • MGCP
    Media Gateway Control Protocol: Used as a call control and communication protocol for Voice over IP networks
    UDP 2427, 2727
  • NetBIOS
    Network Basic Input/Output System: Provides network communication services for LANs that use NetBIOS
    TCP 139
    UDP 137, 138
  • NNTP
    Network News Transport Protocol: Supports the posting and reading of articles on Usenet news servers
    TCP 119
  • NTP
    Network Time Protocol: Used by a network device to synchronize its clock with a time server (NTP server)
    UDP 123
  • POP3
    Post Office Protocol Version 3: Retrieves email from an email server
    TCP 110
  • RDP
    Remote Desktop Protocol: A Microsoft protocol that allows a user to view and control the desktop of a remote computer
    TCP 3389
  • rsh
    Remote Shell: Allows commands to be executed on a computer from a remote user
    TCP 514
  • RTP
    Real-time Transport Protocol: Used for delivering media-based data (such as Voice over IP) through the network
    TCP 5004, 5005
    UDP 5004, 5005
  • RTSP
    Real-Time Streaming Protocol: Communicates with a media server (for example, a video server) and controls the playback of the server’s media files
    TCP 554
    UDP 554
  • SCP
    Secure Copy: Provides a secure file-transfer service over an SSH connection and offers a file’s original date and time information, which is not available with FTP
    TCP 22
  • SFTP
    Secure FTP: Provides FTP file-transfer service over an SSH connection
    TCP 22
  • SIP
    Session Initiation Protocol: Used to create and end sessions for one or more media connections, including Voice over IP calls
    TCP 5061
    UDP 5060
  • SMB
    Server Message Block: Used to share files, printers, and other network resources
    TCP 445
  • SMTP
    Simple Mail Transfer Protocol: Used for sending email
    TCP 25
  • SNMP
    Simple Network Management Protocol: Used to monitor and manage network devices
    UDP 161
  • SNMP Trap
    Simple Network Management Protocol Trap: A notification sent from an SNMP agent to an SNMP manager
    TCP 162
    UDP 162
  • SNTP
    Simple Network Time Protocol: Supports time synchronization among network devices, similar to Network Time Protocol (NTP), although SNTP uses a less complex algorithm in its calculation and is slightly less accurate than NTP
    UDP 123
  • SSH
    Secure Shell: Used to securely connect to a remote host (typically via a terminal emulator)
    TCP 22
  • Telnet
    Telnet: Used to connect to a remote host (typically via a terminal emulator)
    TCP 23
  • TFTP
    Trivial File Transfer Protocol: Transfers files with a remote host (does not require authentication of user credentials)
    UDP 69

Pearson Education (InformIT)

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