Tag Archives: emulations

Notes from the May 2015 VIRL Webinar

I somehow missed this Webinar announcement live, but caught the recording to catch us both up!

VIRL Sim Lifecycle Walkthrough

  • This is a nice walkthrough of using VIRL to construct a cool advanced network emulation involving hosts, different routers, different switches, an ASA, and an external network connection
  • Design
  • Launch and Running
  • Saving

Virtualization for Training

  • Scott Anderson of Learning@Cisco spoke about the importance of virtualization in learning and testing

New VM Images

  • ASAv 9.4.1
  • CSR1000v 3.15
  • IOS XRv 5.3.1
  • New VIRL version around end of June with new “goodies”

Cisco Live in San Diego 2015

  • Sunday through Thursday you can find the VIRL team in their booth in the Devnet Zone
  • Sunday TECRST-2611 Techtorial
  • Monday – 11 am Main Theater presentation
  • Tues – Mini Workshops – 10:30 and 3:30
  • Tues a Meetup – Devnet Zone – 5:30 to 7 – http://goo.gl/forms/ynYaGWvyxb

Here is the actual recording: