Tag Archives: chromium

It is Really Happening – the Edge Chromium Browser!

Edge Chromium

Enjoy this awesome YouTube presentation by Adam and Mike at ITProTV on the subject that so many of us have been curious about. How is Microsoft going to “fix” the Edge browser? The answer might surprise you!

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The Microsoft Edge Browser Going Chromium

Microsoft Edge BrowserMicrosoft is revamping the Edge browser dramatically in 2019. Initially built with their own technology, Microsoft will not replace the guts of the default browser in Windows 10 with the open-source technology of Chromium. How much like the Edge browser be like Chrome after this modification? Well, considering that it will run Chrome extensions, I would say the end result means it will be very much like Chrome.

This change is not the only one planned for the Edge browser in 2019. It will also break free of Windows 10. This means that the Edge browser can finally appear in Windows clients such as Windows 7 and 8.1. There will also be a MacOS version. Wow. Times sure have changed. We could not have even imagined seeing a Microsoft Internet Explorer logo on the MacOS desktop of year’s past. Now we already have the Edge browser in Android and iOS and soon our Macs should we desire it.

It will be very interesting to see if these changes help the Edge browser gain market share. It has taken a beating so far in this area since its release. It trails Chrome, Opera, FireFox, and just about any other browser you can find out there. This move from Microsoft should certainly help, since the reason it is often abandoned is its poor compatibility with some sites out there. Improving the compatibility should make it a consideration in Windows 10 at least since it is proven to better on battery life with these devices and also performs very well.