S3 Standard – this class offers:
- Durability of 99.999999999% across multiple AZs – three minimum
- Low latency
- Resilient in the event of entire AZ destruction
- 99.99% availability
- An SLA governing performance
- Encryption of transit and rest data
- Lifecycle management
S3 Standard-Infrequent Access – this class offers:
- Many of the S3 Standard features such as incredible durability
- Designed for less frequent access, but still provides for responsiveness
- This class is ideal for workloads like backups
- You can actually set this class at the object level in a bucket that contains S3 Standard class objects
- Note that this class reduces availability slightly at 99.9%
S3 One Zone-Infrequent Access – this class offers:
- This might be an ideal class for objects like secondary backup copies of data
- The objects in this storage class could be replicated to another region should the need arise to increase the availability
- As you would guess, availability here is reduced slightly to 99.5%
- There is a risk of data loss in the event of an AZs destruction
S3 Glacier – this class offers:
- An ideal storage class for the archiving of data
- Access times to archived data can be from minutes to hours depending on your configuration and purchase plan