The Latest Books:
“This book expects you to have a basic knowledge of material being presented. This book is not for absolute beginners. This book alone will not suffice, but its a good read to understand the big picture of the syllabus and material as a whole. This book serves as a good study guide and provides you with a cram sheet of things that you must know before exam.
As far as commands go this book does an excellent job of breaking them down and explain their meaning so when you are doing lab it all makes sense as to why you used this command for what!
This book will give you quick overview of the important stuff but if you want to dive deep then you need OCG. Reading this book is painless and non drowsy because OCG can make you!
I am preparing for my ICND1 exam with this book, OCG Odom Wendell, Boson netsim exam, labs by Neil Anderson (Udemy). “
” My friend is an IT Manager with my employer suggested I study this specific book and get the certification. I have started but not finished. I am learning a lot. I also purchased a book for A+ certification. I truly recommend this book. If you’re just starting to be IT department, buy both and get the certification. There are more such as Security. “
” This is the first Exam Cram book I have ever purchased. I purchased this in the hopes that it would cover the basics of what the Cisco/ PearsonVue textbook went for page after page about. Do not get me wrong, this book by itself will not elevate you to a point where you can pass the Cisco 100-105 Exam alone. You do still need to read the textbook as much as possible. I, however, find that the straight, no-nonsense topics that comprise the Exam Cram book is to my liking. I swear, the publishers of these textbooks require the authors to pen a minimum word count on every chapter or something, thus I am supplied with information that goes well beyond the task at hand, but does little to actually enhance the understanding of the core subject matter. If you are like me, and of average intelligence, you will benefit from a book like this to compliment the information that is found in the textbook. This book also supplied me with the PearsonVue software practice test, which has been a great benefit to me. Buy this book, you will not be disappointed!”